Although there seems to be some temporary relief from freezing temperatures, there are still several weather-related residential roofing issues you need to recognize and prevent.
We are now over a month into the winter, and even though the worst weather may be over, you can never be too prepared. Although there seems to be some temporary relief from freezing temperatures, there are still several weather-related residential roofing issues you need to recognize and prevent. Constant vigilance is going to be your best defense against these problems. Here are four domestic roofing issues to keep an eye out for this winter.
Howling Winds
You might hear the wind shaking the walls every night after the sun goes down. While the sun is rising later and setting later, that doesn’t mean the winter is almost over. One typical pattern of winter weather is howling winds. When these winds come along, they can shred your siding and pull loose shingles from your home’s roof. As durable as residential roofing is, it will need periodic maintenance, especially after any windstorms. You should also be looking out for any trees that may have fallen on your property.
Falling Trees
Whether or not the toppled trees belong to you, they can cause a myriad of problems. Tree limbs that are allowed to grow too long can start to sway over the top of your home’s roof. While residential roofing is a sturdy material meant to last years or even decades, the effect of tree branches scraping across them is like that of nails or shards of glass slowly puncturing your car’s tires. Eventually, either the tree itself will collapse, or the weight of snow and ice will cause limbs and branches to break off and damage your residential roofing and siding.
Condensation Buildup
While you might think condensation is only a problem for your windows and doors, you shouldn’t ignore how much it can affect your roof. Warmer air will come and go, but unfortunately, it will mix with the cold ground. Condensation can cause the growth of mold and mildew infestations to accelerate. In case mold and mildew make you sick due to a violent allergic reaction, you should do everything you can to ensure your attic doesn’t become a place for this fungus to hide.
Icicle Formation
Icicles are pretty to look at, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous. Although they might seem like delicate glass sculptures, they can suddenly fall and injure anyone unlucky enough to be passing by at the time. Protect your family, pets, and guests by getting rid of any icicles as soon as you see them. There’s no reason to use them as decorations now that the holidays are over. If you’re unsure of how to remove them, then you can always rely on the experts at Topper Construction to give you a hand.
Contact Topper Construction Today!
Are you interested in having a roof system or siding installed in your home? What about a free estimate? Either way, contact Topper Construction. With Topper Construction, you’ll see the benefit of nearly three decades of experience. Contact Topper Construction at 301-874-0220 or email us at info@topperconstruction.com if you are interested in learning more. We can help you with projects in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Northern Virginia.