Answering Your Questions About Roof Flashing

Look up on your roof. You will probably see the roof flashing, but you might not recognize it right away. Even if you do, you might not be able to tell if there is something wrong with it. The chances are good that you’ll have more and more questions. It’s time to answer them.

What is It?

 Answering Your Questions About Roof Flashing
You will probably see the roof flashing, but you might not recognize it right away.

Unfortunately, spring is a rainy season. It tends to be rainier than the other times of the year. Roof flashing is supposed to help prevent water damage from falling rain and other precipitation. They seal up the joints of the roof and are commonly made of metals such as copper, aluminum, or galvanized sheet metal.

What Makes Roofs Vulnerable?

Why is roof flashing even necessary? Corrosion is one problem, especially if you already have a roof made of metal. There are also some areas of your roof that are more likely to suffer water damage than others, and that is where roof flashing comes in handy. The surface or the dormer walls of the roof can be vulnerable. Roof flashing deals with that problem. The perimeter of your skylight, your chimneys, and your roof valleys are all exposed as well. In short, any place where water runoff can collect before it travels into the gutters and downspouts need some roof flashing.

What Types Are There?

Let’s pause for a moment to consider the different types of roof flashing that are available. There is some that can be mounted on the chimney, the cap, and the step. There is also integral flashing, saddle, valley, and vent pipe flashing. The chimney flashing is installed around the base, while the cap flashing goes on the chimney cap. Step flashing helps protect sloped roofs and vertical walls. This type of flashing also features drip edges to cut down on water seepage. Whenever you see skylights on a sloped roof, you will also find integral flashing. The integral flashing is bolstered by saddle flashing. This flashing is found at the tops of beams and rails. Valley flashing protects the valleys on the roof, and vent pipe flashing protects the pipes and flues on the roof.

Where Do They Leak?

Considering all these layers, you would think that your roof would be leak proof. However, that isn’t always true. The valley flashing is where a leak is most likely to happen, same with where the pipes meet the roof. Asphalt roofing cement can help prevent troublesome leaks. Damaged flashing can also leak, so if you suspect your roof flashing is damaged, then it’s time to get it repaired or replaced.

Contact Topper Construction Today!

If you’re interested in having gutters, a roof system, siding, or water drainage system installed in your new home, or would like a free estimate, contact Topper Construction. With Topper Construction, you’ll see the benefit of nearly three decades of experience. Contact Topper Construction at 301-874-0220 or email us at if you are interested in learning more. We can help you with projects in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Northern Virginia.

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